Session 30- Betting on the Black Race
Rams arrive in Marlinko and deliver the racehorse Justify
The man who takes possession of Justify invites Rams to
watch the Black Race the happening the following day
Tim, Fecus, Geoff, and Yuri go carousing the night before
the race
Tim’s carousing 600gp = 600xp
Tim mispronounced the name of the plum brandy,
and by custom his bartender declared Tim his indentured
servant. Tim’s reaction is to kill the bartender with
Magic Missile. Two witnesses alert 6 of the City Guards
to the crime. Upon their arrival, Tim puts on the Eld mindbox
and charms the guard in charge to see things his way. Tim
says the bartender attacked him and that the witnesses are lying.
The head guard (fails saving throw) believes Tim’s story and the
City Guards take the two witnesses away for fraud charges.
Fecus’ carousing 200gp = 200xp
Fecus’ carousing takes him into the Golden Swine Quarter
and he finds himself having eaten his hireling Branko during
the sacrament of the Church of the Blood Jesus.
Geoff’s carousing 200gp = 200xp
Geoff is kidnapped by cultists of the Fifth God. He wakes up,
hands bound, lying on a cold floor in a dark room. Upon noticing
Geoff’s disappearance, Tim organizes Rams to search for Geoff
and they find him alive, but shaken, within the Tomb of the
Town Gods. Geoff gratefully hugs his rescuer and mentor Tim.
Yuri’s carousing 500gp = 500xp
Yuri wakes up in a debauched state, next to a mummy in the
bed of his mid-priced hotel. He dismembers the mummy and
hides it in the mattress and skulks away from the hotel successfully
avoiding incident. The mummy was Ludek the Revered,
Most Favored of Skamoplx.
Fecus bets 300gp on Justify and 300gp on Holy Bull
Tim bets 500gp on Holy Bull
Justify loses
Tim casts Gust of Wind on Holy Bull
Holy Bull wins
Tim runs into Frantisek after the race and is offered a job to acquire the
large beet down in Ctyri Ctvrt. Rams accept.
Fecus goes shopping to replace equipment
Fecus and Tim buy health potions at Irenka’s
Rams are invited to Lord Pahr’s next party
Fecus tells everyone except Tim that Branko quit Rams. He reveals the
terrible truth to Tim.
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