Session 29- Up to Chizhova and Back Down to Marlinko
Rams take the Golden Barge up the river to Chizhova
Golden Barge docks or anchors at the furthest distance
from town and a group consisting of Tim + puppies,
Fecus + Launchpad + Tentacle, Geoff, Ferika, Yuri, and
Shelby take a water taxi into the dock area immediately
outside the city gate
They purchase 2 lifeboats (100sp and 4SHP each) that can
carry 5-6 people each
4 small cannons, 1 mortar and 5 powder barrels are purchased
Some treasure is sold
Carousing at The Rotten Stump! Chizhova’s premier dockside
Fecus, 1000sp=1000xp, Rolled and Robbed
Yuri, 2000sp=2000xp, Life of the Party
Tim, 400sp=400xp, One Night Stand with the
Married Woman Finna
Reading the jobs board, they pick up a side job to transport a
racehorse to Marlinko for 500sp
Rams encounter a Black Pudding and a Gelatinous Cube on
their river trip down to Marlinko and kill both
Horse is delivered in Marlinko
Black Pudding killed = 1100xp
Gelatinous Cube killed = 450xp
XP Total = 1550xp
Tim and Fecus receive 516xp each
Ferika and Yuri receive 258xp each
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