Monday, October 21, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #148

Room #55 Wall of Clocks


Session 148- “These Are Also NOT Our Ghouls!”


  • Colluthus and Arethusa explain how the Pool of Life works to 

    Tim and Fecus.

  • Tim and Fecus choose to make a Minotaur with the last of the 

    black essential matrix fluid.  It fights them at first until it realizes 

    they are a superior force.  Tim and Fecus tell the Minotaur it is 

    the Guard of the Pool of Life.

  • As Tim and Fecus discuss further use of the Pool of Life and 

    other machines in Dwimmermount, 15 Sapient Rats attack.  

    Fecus collects 3 of the rat corpses.

  • Room #51 Essence Machines.

  • Room #52 Liquid Matrix Storage.

  • Room #53 Fight and kill 3 Ghouls.

  • Room #55 Clock Room, stairs up.

  • Room #54 Study.

  • Room #56 Ghoul Lair.

  • Room #57 3 Gnoll killed.

  • Room #51 Rest.

    • Watch 1 Gunda and Ferika

    • Watch 2 Ornie and Sasha

    • Watch 3 Fecus and Gugula

  • 15 Sapient Rats killed = 90 XP

  • 3 Ghouls killed = 141 XP

  • 3 Gnolls killed = 141 XP

  • 1 Poison

  • Scroll of Shape Change

  • 2 1d8+1 Swords

  • 3 Jewelry = 2040 XP

    • Silver Chalice with Gold Filigree 40 GP

    • Painted Gold Volmarian War Mask 700 GP

    • Bracelet of Small Pink Pearls 1300 GP

  • Total XP = 2412 XP

  • Tim and Fecus each receive 804 XP

  • Gugula and Tentacle each receive 402 XP

Friday, October 18, 2024

Ctyri Ctvrt Chronicles Session #6

Pan Meow Meow


Session 6- Fun In Marlinko


  • Once home in Ctyri Ctvrt, Danika receives an invitation to view the 

    Tapestry of Xviks at an unveiling at the Frazas family townhouse in 


  • There are 3 public viewing nights and she attends the first and 

    suffers an assassination attempt after the exhibit while staying 

    overnight in the Drunken Troll Inn.  

  • Hurloj has sent Shoestring and 2 bandits to kill her and her team, 

    but Danika prevails.

  • Meet Captain Sharp and wander into a street party.

  • Danika gives Franticek the Mage an info dump about Rams vs. the 


  • Leave a calling card with Lady Szara’s butler.

  • Meet Glamdalf, but don’t carouse with him.

  • Tiger Wrassilin’!

  • Pan Meow Meow vs Boadicea, Danika bets 10 GP on Boadicea 

    and loses.

  • Shoestring Gang killed = 30 XP

  • 5000 EP = 2500 XP

  • 25 Pearls = 3700 GP = 3700 XP

  • 29 Wedding Rings = 12,900 GP = 12,900 XP

  • Total XP = 19,130 XP

  • Danika and Zora each receive 9,565 XP


    9/20/24 Perchance Prompts for the wrestlers Pan Meow Meow and 

    Boadicea -A woman in a wrestling costume, epic fantasy concept art 

    by noah bradley


Monday, October 14, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #147

Varazes the Renegade Volmarian


Gnolls Created by Varazes


Session 147- “We Can Show You the Pool of Life”


  • Lak recognizes the Throghrin as Usk.  Gorp collapses with Rat Bite 

    Fever.  Shelby casts Cure Disease and saves Gorp’s life.

  • The Sapient Rats escape as Rams square up to fire a ranged attack 

    on them.

  • Usk the Throghrin leaves to travel to Level 2B, Room #34 to inform 

    Rukruk of what has happened thus far.

  • Rams go to the Turms statue room and set watches which are all 


  • Tim, Fecus, and Shelby dream of Ireena Kolyana praying and 


    Strahd’s butler, hiking up a gravel road on a snowy windy mountain.

  • Backtrack and take stairs down to Room #43, #45 they kill a carcass 

    scavenger, and #46 where they are attacked by thorn plants.

  • In Room #47, Yuri is attacked by the Vampire Rose, which is fought 

    off by the team.

  • Room #48 pump room.

  • Room #49 stasis chamber.  Tim casts Knock on Colluthus’ stasis tube 

    and Gunda casts Knock on Arethusa’s stasis tube.  When they 

    awaken, the High Thulians try to express their gratitude to Rams for 

    waking them from stasis.

  • They translate High Thulian to Common through the Hobgoblins.

  • The Thulians offer to show Rams how the Pool of Life works.

  • In Room #50 Rams encounter and kill 5 Gnolls and the Volmarian 

    Magic-User, Varazes.  Rams aren’t happy to discover what they 

    perceive as another rival faction (Varazes is a splinter off of the 

    Volmarian Party).

  • Carcass Scavenger killed = 135 XP

  • Vampire Rose killed = 135 XP

  • 5 Gnolls killed = 235 XP

  • Varazes killed = 50 XP

  • 7000 CP = 70 XP

  • 4000 SP = 400 XP

  • 2000 EP = 1000 XP

  • 14,000 GP = 14,000 XP

  • 3 Gems = 560 XP

    • Aquamarine 500 GP

    • Jasper 50 GP

    • Moss Agate 10 GP

  • 4 Jewelry items = 3,750 XP

    • Gold Birdcage w/ Electrum Filigree 250 GP

    • Fine Gold Chain Set w/ Fire Opal 2500 GP

    • Painted Gold Volmarian War Mask 750 GP

    • Carved Ivory Statuette of Sarana 250 GP

  • Potion of Giant Control

  • Potion of Heroism

  • Potion of Flying

  • Sword 1d8+1, Luck Blade

  • Wand of Fear, 6 charges

  • Ring of Protection +3

  • Termaxian Passkey

  • Scroll of Invisibility

  • Scroll of Ward Against Undead

  • Total XP = 20,335

  • Tim and Fecus each receive = 6778 XP

  • Sasha and Tentacle each receive = 3389 XP


Perchance Prompt 10/14/24 Prompts for Varazes and the Jolly Gnolls

Eastern male magic-user holding a gold birdcage with electrum filigree

5 gnoll adventurers equipped to fight in a dungeon

Friday, October 11, 2024

Ctyri Ctvrt Chronicles Session #5


Working With Hedgie the Hedgehog

Session 5- Song of the Hedge


  • Danika and Co. go to Bystrica to talk to a few locals, Gwendolyn 

    and Randolph.  Pies of the day are Bumbleberry, Turnip, and Rabbit.

  • Gwendolyn is a dwarf and Bystrica’s only smith.

  • Randolph the Grim is a wizard and cheerful cantonal country doctor.  

    He invites Danika and her people to stay overnight with him in 


  • While sleeping at Randolph’s, Danika’s Party are turned into mice by 

    the Fey of the Hedges and Meadows, Alrauna.

  • Alrauna is assisting Hedgie the Hedgehog who is on a mission to find 

    the herb Razkovniche.  Razkovniche is needed to assist Farmer 

    Baldwin in reversing the drought plaguing his fields.

  • As mice they fight spiders and snakes, avoid diving hawks, collect 

    Mandrake root, help the bees, pick sage, fight a mole, and eventually 

    find and collect the elusive Razkovniche.

  • Hedgie is able to help Farmer Baldwin.  Danika and friend’s are 

    returned to their original forms by Alrauna.

  • Danika hires fellow Alchemist, Gary Falcon.

  • 2 Adder Tongue collected

  • 47 Horsehair collected

  • 45 Hemlock collected

  • 2 Spiders killed = 76 XP

  • Snake killed = 350 XP

  • Dog evaded = 35 XP

  • Wasps killed = 42 XP

  • Hawks evaded = 13 XP

  • Mole killed = 200 XP

  • Sage collected = 100 XP

  • Razkovniche collected = 1000 XP

  • Total XP = 1816 XP

  • Danika and Zora each receive 908 XP


    9/11/24 Perchance Prompt for the adventure party getting 

    shrunken down to mice to help Hedgie the Hedgehog 

    mice dressed like fantasy adventurers working with a hedgehog 

    in a green field, horror concept art

Monday, October 7, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #146

Sigrun About to Receive A Shock


Session 146- “These Are NOT Our Ghouls!”


  • Room #29 Level 2A, Rams vs. the 9 Giant Rats takes longer than 

    the party thought it would due to a lot of bad rolls.  Fortunately the 

    only henchman to take damage and get diseased is Gorp the Hob.  

    12 Dwimmersilk Garments are found in the crates.

  • Room #28, Kruluzax kicks the door in and shouts “Happy Birthday!”  

    Rams encounter 3 Ghouls and many in the party shout “These are 

    NOT our Ghouls”.  Rams kill the Ghouls, search the room, find the 

    trapdoor, and Tim Wizard Locks the door in the floor.   2 Environment 

    Suits are found.

  • Room #27 (previously explored).

  • Room #25, the room with Turms Termax murals and a Turms statue 

    on one side and an unidentified woman on the other.  RS (Red Sigrun) 

    touches the Turms Termax statue and is electrocuted; Sigrun 

    touches the statue of the woman and the same happens.  RS 

    and Sigrun are healed with potions and spells.  Fecus touches the 

    Turms statue while holding a Termaxian symbol and is unaffected.

  • Rams enter Room #24a and observe that they are on a balcony 

    overlooking a surgical theater where a Throgrin is battling a hoard of

     Sapient Rats.  Session ends there.

  • 9 Giant Rats killed = 54 XP

  • 3 Ghouls killed = 141 XP

  • 4000 CP = 40 XP

  • 5000 SP = 500 XP

  • 6 Gems worth a total of 245 GP = 245 XP

    • Lapis Lazuli 25 GP

    • Obsidian 10 GP

    • Hematite 25 GP

    • Turquoise 10 GP

    • Spinel 100 GP

    • Citrine 75 GP

  • 12 Dwimmersilk Garments

  • 2 Enviromental Suits

  • Total XP = 980 XP

  • Tim & Fecus each receive = 326 XP

  • Gugula and Tentacle each receive = 163 XP