Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ox ---> Tiger Campaign Session #25


Session 25- "Rams Deploy Corvette"


  • After their night of carousing in Marlinko Tim, Fecus, and Geoff 

    return to the Golden Barge

  • The next day the Rams take the Warvette into Marlinko

  • Go team is Tim, Fecus, Geoff, Yuri, Ferika, Shelby, and Gerben

  • Tim and Geoff get dropped of at Frantisek’s Onion Tower for some 

    spell acquisition (Tim buys Knock, Geoff buys Magic Missile, Tim 

    pays Frantisek to examine the Eld MindBox)

  • Fecus, Yuri, Ferika, Shelby and Gerben sell some gems at Fraza’s

  • Fecus, Yuri, Ferika, Shelby, and Gerben continue on and purchase 

    cannons and gunpowder

  • Fecus and Co go to Hurloj Kladivo’s to inquire about a War Bear 

    helmet. He has one and sells it to them.

  • On Fecus and Co’s way back to the Onion Tower, they have to break 

    up a yelling match between two pedants and 8 young rakes.  Then 

    as they approach the Onion Tower, 5 horse traders try to sell them 3 

    lame and stolen ponies.  Fecus carefully examines the ponies and 

    rejects the traders’ offer.

  • Fecus and Co are reunited with Tim and Geoff.  The team return to the 

    Golden Barge.  The remainder of the cannons and gunpowder  they 

    couldn’t transport themselves have been delivered.

  • They plan to mount the artillery and deal with the locked room next 


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