Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Ox ---> Tiger Campaign Session #23


Session 23- By Land and By Sea, Rams Arrive in Ctyri Ctvrt


  • Yuri, Ferika, Gigurg, and Baldwin arrive in Kugelberg to retrieve 

    the “Warvette” 

  • They pay the stable fee and Other Pavol, son of Jaromir, asks 

    where Rams are headed next.  When they say Ctyri Ctvrt, he 

    asks if they can deliver love letters for his father Jaromir to 

    Svetlana, servant of Ritek in Ctyri Ctvrt.  Ferika agrees to deliver 

    the letters and is given a healing potion as payment.

  • After departing Kugelberg in the Warvette, they pass by a work 

    crew of Frog Demonettes who’ve booby trapped the highway with a 

    spike strip.  Yuri notices the obstacle and is able to drive around it 

    with no problems.

  • Later that night, they pass the Frog Demon Temple without stopping.

  • At about 2am they arrive in Marlinko, find a stable to rest and refresh 

    the horses.  They wake up early and get a bit of info on the Frog Demon 

    Temple and the Frog Demonettes from a city guard and a peasant 


  • Just before arriving on the outskirts of Ctyri Ctvrt that afternoon, a 

    bukavac leaps out from under a bridge trying to intercept the Warvette, 

    but is quickly left in the dust as Yuri urges the horses pulling the coach 

    to sprint away from the monstrosity.

  • Meanwhile on the Golden Barge, Tim(and puppies), Fecus (and dogs), 

    Geoff, Kruluzax, Kraccus, Alezbta, Shelby, Pavol, Sillai, and Gerben 

    encounter a storm along the coast (DC 15).  Tim (Captain, rolls 14), 

    Shelby (First Mate, rolls 8), Fecus (Bosun, rolls 6), and Kruluzax 

    (Quartermaster, rolls 11) work to effectively weather the storm with 

    the Golden Barge and its crew. They arrive at the dock of Ctyri Ctvrt 

    early in the morning of the next day several hours before the Land Rams.

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