Monday, August 6, 2018

#RPGaDay2018 Day Six

Day 6 Question: How can players make a world seem real?

Another pass.

Day 6 2015 Question: What was the most recent RPG you played?

I played a B/X type D&D game on Google Hangouts with some folks from the G+ Flailsnails group.  For those of you not in the know, Flailsnails games are any type of OSR system the DM wants to run and the players show up with any character from an OSR compatible system.  The DM has veto power on whether your character is appropriate and may set level ranges, but it's a pretty loose affair.  That's what makes it fun!  I need to get my shit together and run something on there.  I'm leaning towards The Midderlands, but a few other contenders are The Dark of Hot springs Island and Operation Unfathomable.

UPDATE 8/19/18:  I'm kicking myself for forgetting the Yoon-Suin setting as a possibility!  When I was starting prep for my LotFP YotG campaign I had just gotten that book and it influenced some things about that campaign although I haven't used any material from it, yet. 

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