Thursday, August 9, 2018

#RPGaDay2018 Day Nine

Day 9 Question:  How has a game surprised you?


Day 9 2016 Question:  What things are a part of your ideal session, other than the actual game?

Whether I'm a player or DM, I need lots of water to drink.  Tea is another beverage I like to have, especially if it's cold outside or my throat is getting tired from talking.  Good snacks are another nice thing to have on hand, unless I'm playing an online session.  Eating on camera makes me self conscious in a way that is not conducive to playing.  From my perspective as a DM, it's ideal to have enthusiastic and engaged players.  If we switch to my player perspective, I still thinks it's ideal to have engaged players as well as a DM that knows how to do their "thing."  That encompasses presenting an interesting setting with a variety of challenges and adjudicating those challenges as needed.  DMing is somewhat akin to herding cats.

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