Friday, October 25, 2024

Ctyri Ctvrt Chronicles Session #7

Temple of the Cracked Shell

Baby Snails

Session 7- Temple of the Cracked Shell


  • Farka and her helper bring back 9 orphans to Ctyri Ctvrt.

  • Danika, Gary Falcon, and an assistant make 100 Incendiary 

    vials and 30 Growth Elixirs.

  • A message has been received from the orphan Petya, who 

    is stationed as Bedrich the Willing’s Hruz production assistant.  

    Petya has learned where the raw product is coming from and 

    Danika dispatches Hachiro and Spy Kids to go establish a 

    schedule at the Temple of the Cracked Shell.

  • Temple Assault -> Takeover

  • Danika installs a security and maintenance team at the Temple.

  • Danika sends a team to the Golden Barge with a box of baby 

    snails to accelerate breeding and growth.

  • 11 Cultists killed = 275 XP

  • 1 Cult fanatic killed = 450 XP

  • Total XP = 725 XP


    10/2/24 Perchance Prompts 

    A temple in a badlands landscape that is shaped like a gigantic 

    cracked snail shell.

    box of baby snails, epic fantasy concept art by noah bradley

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