Friday, October 11, 2024

Ctyri Ctvrt Chronicles Session #5


Working With Hedgie the Hedgehog

Session 5- Song of the Hedge


  • Danika and Co. go to Bystrica to talk to a few locals, Gwendolyn 

    and Randolph.  Pies of the day are Bumbleberry, Turnip, and Rabbit.

  • Gwendolyn is a dwarf and Bystrica’s only smith.

  • Randolph the Grim is a wizard and cheerful cantonal country doctor.  

    He invites Danika and her people to stay overnight with him in 


  • While sleeping at Randolph’s, Danika’s Party are turned into mice by 

    the Fey of the Hedges and Meadows, Alrauna.

  • Alrauna is assisting Hedgie the Hedgehog who is on a mission to find 

    the herb Razkovniche.  Razkovniche is needed to assist Farmer 

    Baldwin in reversing the drought plaguing his fields.

  • As mice they fight spiders and snakes, avoid diving hawks, collect 

    Mandrake root, help the bees, pick sage, fight a mole, and eventually 

    find and collect the elusive Razkovniche.

  • Hedgie is able to help Farmer Baldwin.  Danika and friend’s are 

    returned to their original forms by Alrauna.

  • Danika hires fellow Alchemist, Gary Falcon.

  • 2 Adder Tongue collected

  • 47 Horsehair collected

  • 45 Hemlock collected

  • 2 Spiders killed = 76 XP

  • Snake killed = 350 XP

  • Dog evaded = 35 XP

  • Wasps killed = 42 XP

  • Hawks evaded = 13 XP

  • Mole killed = 200 XP

  • Sage collected = 100 XP

  • Razkovniche collected = 1000 XP

  • Total XP = 1816 XP

  • Danika and Zora each receive 908 XP


    9/11/24 Perchance Prompt for the adventure party getting 

    shrunken down to mice to help Hedgie the Hedgehog 

    mice dressed like fantasy adventurers working with a hedgehog 

    in a green field, horror concept art

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