Monday, October 7, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #146

Sigrun About to Receive A Shock


Session 146- “These Are NOT Our Ghouls!”


  • Room #29 Level 2A, Rams vs. the 9 Giant Rats takes longer than 

    the party thought it would due to a lot of bad rolls.  Fortunately the 

    only henchman to take damage and get diseased is Gorp the Hob.  

    12 Dwimmersilk Garments are found in the crates.

  • Room #28, Kruluzax kicks the door in and shouts “Happy Birthday!”  

    Rams encounter 3 Ghouls and many in the party shout “These are 

    NOT our Ghouls”.  Rams kill the Ghouls, search the room, find the 

    trapdoor, and Tim Wizard Locks the door in the floor.   2 Environment 

    Suits are found.

  • Room #27 (previously explored).

  • Room #25, the room with Turms Termax murals and a Turms statue 

    on one side and an unidentified woman on the other.  RS (Red Sigrun) 

    touches the Turms Termax statue and is electrocuted; Sigrun 

    touches the statue of the woman and the same happens.  RS 

    and Sigrun are healed with potions and spells.  Fecus touches the 

    Turms statue while holding a Termaxian symbol and is unaffected.

  • Rams enter Room #24a and observe that they are on a balcony 

    overlooking a surgical theater where a Throgrin is battling a hoard of

     Sapient Rats.  Session ends there.

  • 9 Giant Rats killed = 54 XP

  • 3 Ghouls killed = 141 XP

  • 4000 CP = 40 XP

  • 5000 SP = 500 XP

  • 6 Gems worth a total of 245 GP = 245 XP

    • Lapis Lazuli 25 GP

    • Obsidian 10 GP

    • Hematite 25 GP

    • Turquoise 10 GP

    • Spinel 100 GP

    • Citrine 75 GP

  • 12 Dwimmersilk Garments

  • 2 Enviromental Suits

  • Total XP = 980 XP

  • Tim & Fecus each receive = 326 XP

  • Gugula and Tentacle each receive = 163 XP


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