Friday, October 4, 2024

Ctyri Ctvrt Chronicles Session #4


Gathering Undead in Lumas

Session 4- Settling New Ctyri Ctvrt Residents; Going to Lumas


  • The Whiskey Tea drops off 20 freed slaves from the Misty Isles 

    and Danika offers them work and housing in Ctyri Ctvrt if they 

    wish to stay.

  • She has prepared a care package of potions, Hruz, and incendiary 

    powder that she sends to Rams via the Whiskey Tea.

  • After 4 days searching for Rare Earth Metals around the hamlet, 

    Danika, Zora, and Hachiro encounter 2 Wereworms.

  • They meet Radko the Ruffler at the Giant Beaver statue.  He’s 

    looking for work or a handout.

  • At the Gazebo they encounter Hetwoman Maryanka Knout-Cutter, 

    she’s looking for horses for the upcoming Black Horse Fair.  

    She also speaks of the Cantonal Wraithwrangler’s need for more 

    undead creatures.

  • The Whiskey Tea arrives with 20 more freed slaves.  13 out of 40 

    have chosen to stay and work in Ctyri Ctvrt.

  • Danika dispatches an orphan to Marlinko to pick up the lassos, 

    mancatchers, and nets for the upcoming Lumas expedition.

  • They make 2 delves into Lumas to gather undead.

  • When they return home, 20 more slaves are delivered by the 

    Whiskey Tea.  17 decide to stay in Ctyri Ctvrt.

  • Chitin Cataphracts of the Palatine killed = 300 XP

  • 4 Skeletons killed = 52 XP

  • 2 Skeletons captured = 26 XP

  • 5000 EP = 2500 XP

  • 4000 GP = 4000 XP

  • Scroll Ward Against Elemental

  • 6000 GP = 6000 XP

  • Jeweled Glove 2500 GP = 2500 XP

  • Platinum Sapphire Bracelet 2500 GP = 2500 XP

  • 300 GP = 300 XP

  • Total XP = 17,800 XP

  • Danika and Zora each receive 8900 XP


    9/11/24 Perchance Prompt for wrangling undead in Lumas

    intrepid armored adventurers capturing skeletons in a crypt