Friday, February 28, 2025

Ctyri Ctvrt Chronicles Session #25

Grain Silo of Bad Rajetz



Session 25- Bad Rajetz Rumors of Demon Worship and Devil Worship; 

RIP Cheryl T.


  • Danika asks the tannery apprentice if she and her crew can 

    investigate the office.  He allows them to do so.

  • Zora examines the nearly empty inventory shelves, Hachiro 

    goes through the drawers of the desk, and Danika sifts through 

    the paperwork on top of the desk.  Hachiro finds Dobravka’s 

    “Pleasure Gear” and Danika finds past due invoices from the 

    general store and The Devil’s Cup.

  • Danika asks the apprentice why he hasn’t gone home and is 

    staying at the tannery.  The apprentice had been sponsored 

    by Father Guz to board with a family, but when Father Guz 

    went missing and missed payment to the family they kicked 

    the boy out.  Danika asks the apprentice if there is an inn or 

    somewhere to stay in town.  He tells her of a boarding house 

    two doors down from The Devil’s Cup.  Danika offers to let the 

    boy come with her and her team to the boarding house and he 

    agrees to accompany her.

  • The boarding house is run by a cheerful widower.  He rents 

    them a suite on the 3rd floor for 30 SP.  Danika orders food 

    for the boy.

  • Danika and her crew learned some suspicious activity might 

    have occurred around the Ancient Tower used as a grain silo.  

    It’s a 5 minute walk north of Bad Rajetz.  They arrive at twilight 

    and look for clues.

  • 3 Redcaps come out of a stand of trees about 30 feet from the 

    tower, sniffing the ground.  Danika and her team get into combat 

    with the Redcaps and it’s brutal.  Hachiro and Hurley are nearly 

    lost and Cheryl Tiegz is killed.

  • After finishing off the Redcaps, Danika and Co bury Cheryl Tiegz.

  • After the burial they enter the silo and go through the trap door 

    in the floor.

  • Stairs lead down to another door; behind it lies a hallway.

  • They examine the first room.  It’s decorated with forest scene 

    murals on the walls and an Old Pahr obelisk.

  • Further down the hallway they encounter 2 locked doors.

  • Hachiro unlocks one that leads to a perpendicular hallway.  

    They find a luxurious bedroom with a mirror on the ceiling and 

    a box of “Pleasure Gear” peeking out from under the bed.

  • Stairs lead down near the door of the explored bedroom; 

    Danika and Co choose to turn back to explore the other locked 


  • Behind that locked door lies a large room.  It contains an altar 

    on the far end in front of a stone arch in the wall framing a fresco 

    of a pile of coins.  

  • Under the representation of the coins is a small slot.  Danika 

    puts a copper piece in and a coin in the fresco glows briefly.  

    Danika puts in a silver coin and a similar effect happens, this 

    time lighting up a different coin.

  • An imp flies into the room with Danika and Co from the door 

    they entered through, it shapeshifts into a rat and runs around 

    the room sniffing everyone, then it runs out of the room, 

    shapeshifting into a spider.  It runs back into the room and 

    it has a conversation with them.  Informs them that they are 

    in Mammon’s Antechamber.  And down the stairs is the realm 

    of Graz’zt’s worshippers.

  • Hurley, already shaken from the death of the lovely and 

    courageous Cheryl Tiegz, turns paperwhite when he learns 

    that both devils and demons seem to be involved in the current 


  • Danika decides it would be best to go back to the boarding 

    house to discuss the situation and sleep.

  • 3 Redcaps killed = 2100 XP

  • Scroll Ward Against Elementals

  • Danika receives 1050 XP

  • Hallabera and Zora 525 XP each


10/16/24 Perchance Prompt for Bad Rajetz grain silo Ancient tower used as grain silo 

near a stand of woods, horror concept art

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