Monday, September 9, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #142

Rukruk the Hobgoblin King


Session 142- An Alliance With Rukruk the Hobgoblin King


  • Rams are on Lvl 2B in Room #39, a room with frescoes depicting 

    agricultural and fertility scenes.  Tim uses Knock to open the 

    magically locked door to the east.

  • Room #40 contains frescoes showing scenes of heroism.  Tim 

    uses Knock to open the magically locked door to the east.

  • Room #41 contains frescoes of funerary scenes.  An urn on a 

    bier contains 2 Pastilles of Life.  Gunda uses the Rod of Opening 

    to open the magically locked door to the east.

  • Room #42 contains frescoes of healing and music.  Gunda uses the 

    Rod of Opening to open the magically locked door to the east.

  • Room #44 contains frescoes of good luck and fortunate happenstance.  

    The door to the east is unlocked and Rams take that route.

  • Room #45 appears to be some kind of redoubt stocked with barrels of 

    oil and several weapons racks.

  • Rams enter Room #34, the throne room of Rukruk the Hobgoblin king.  

    The Hobgoblins awoke from the stasis tubes shortly after 

    Dwimmermount’s magical barrier was dropped.  They were placed 

    as guardians for the dungeon from the time of the Thulians who placed 

    them in stasis.  Rams say they are the descendents of Thulians and 

    Tim uses Suggest on Rukruk to aid in that deception.  Rukruk buys the 

    lie seeing that Rams are equipped with some Thulian weapons and 

    artifacts.  He offers 2 Hobs (Gorp and Lak) to accompany Rams to the 

    next Level down.  He gives them a quick little tour of some rooms not 

    explored yet by Rams.  #33, #36, and #35.

  • Rukruk informs Rams of the split nature of Level 2… 2A cannot be 

    directly accessed from 2B.

  • Rams leave Level 2B and go back up to Level 1.

  • Session ends on Level 1 Room #15.



    9/5/24 Perchance prompt for Rukruk the Hobgoblin King is

     Hobgoblin king 

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