Monday, September 2, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #141

Betan Casting Summon


Session 141- Resting, Then Re-descending


  • Rams take a rest in Room #19.  No encounters occur, but 2 of the 3 

    watch pairs (Yaroj and Ferika, Gigurg and Gugula) are sharing their 

    thoughts and concerns regarding the disappearance of Geoff 

    and Ewald and H’Raon’s son turning into a Mind Flayer.  Sasha 

    experiments with rations recipes and shares with Tentacle the 

    War Ocelot during the middle watch.  Gigurg is also concerned about 

    meeting another Gigurg;-}

  • During the rest period Tim, Fecus, and Shelby have the same dream 

    about Ireena Kolyana praying for help in the Chapel of 

    Castle Ravenloft.

    Ireena Kolyana Prays for Help

  • After the rest, Rams travel back down to Level 1 Room #5 so Fecus 

    can collect the remaining 5 Thulian war-masks.

  • Rams proceed to Level 2B via the stairway connected to Level 1 

    Room #15.  In Level 1 Room #15 the holographic illusions portraying 

    the history of Dwimmermount.

  • Down on Level 2B, Rams cover ground previously explored.  

    Rooms #1, #6, #3, #4, #3, #6, #7, #8, #6, #11, #12, #13, and #38.

  • In Room #6, they encounter the NPC party known as the 

    Heralds of the Silver Dawn, who Rams have history with in Oberstdorf 

    from back in the winter season (link to sessions 114 and 115)  when 

    this occurred.

    Alina leads the Heralds Against Rams

  • Alina, leader of the Heralds declares “It’s time to die!”  They win 

    initiative and Alina casts Magic Missile, Nantier casts 

    Phantasmal Force in the shape of a Shadow Bear, Betan casts 

    Summon (he summons an Orb of Light that dominates Betan.  Betan 

    points to Pariset, his compatriot, and the Orb flashes and it disappears, 

    taking Pariset with itself.  Lolz.)  Sernays makes a melee attack.

  • Fecus cries out “Punish them!”  Gunda casts Faerie Fire, Ferika 

    one-shots Alina, Tim kills Nantier, Ornie kills Betan, and Red Sigrun 

    kills Sernays.

  • A note is found on Alina’s body.  “Alina, please meet with me when 

    you return from the mountain. -A”

  • New Rooms explored #37 Physick’s Room, #36 Stasis Chamber 1, 

    and #39 Chamber of Fertility.

  • Alina killed = 50 XP

  • Nantier killed = 50 XP

  • Betan killed = 50 XP

  • Sernays killed = 75 XP

  • Pariset killed = 75 XP

  • Dagger 1d4+1

  • Cloak of Protection +1

  • Scroll of Clairvoyance

  • Ring of Protection

  • Potion of ESP

  • Shield +1, Qty 2

  • Long Sword +2

  • Chain Mail +1

  • Alina’s Spellbook

    • Detect Magic

    • Read Magic

    • Locate Object

    • Magic Missile

  • Nantier’s Spellbook

    • Light

    • Sleep

    • Knock

    • Phantasmal Force

  • Betan’s Spellbook

    • Hold Portal

    • Sleep

    • Web

    • Summon

  • 36,000 CP = 360 XP

  • 2000 SP = 200 XP

  • 5000 EP = 2500 XP

  • 400 PP = 4000 XP

  • Jacinth = 5700 GP = 5700 XP

  • Gold Jewelry Box w/ Platinum Filigree = 6900 GP = 6900 XP

  • Total XP = 19,960 XP

  • Tim and Fecus each receive = 6653 XP

  • Gugula and Kruluzax each receive = 3326 XP 




    9/2/24 I forgot to copy my Perchance prompts, so I'll give you

    the keywords I remember. The one at the top of the blog featuring

    Betan used the words Male Mage Dominated by Demonic Light Orb

    The middle one featuring Ireena Kolyana I remember the prompt was 

    Slavic Noblewoman Praying in a Gothic Chapel. Last one of Alina and 

    her Heralds the keywords were Female Mage Leading an Adventurer 

    Group in a Dark Dungeon

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