Monday, September 16, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #143


Session 143- Rescuing More Dwarves; Blessings of Asana


  • Rams take the quickest route through Level 1 to the staircase in 

    Room #45 without any encounters.

  • They make their way down to Level 2A Room #1.

  • In Room #2 Fecus, Tim, and Gugula pick up Potions of Gaseous Form.  

    Sigrun gets a jar of red liquid that has no effect.

  • Rams encounter 8 Orcs in Room #21.  They quickly kill the Orcs 

    and rescue the Dwarves in Room #22 that the Orcs had captured 

    and tortured.  The Dwarves are part of Balfar’s party.  Their names 

    are Glandal and Thoon.  They have a little Dwarf greeting moment 

    with Yuri.  They ask to join Rams until they can be escorted out of 

    Dwimmermount.  Rams re-equip Glandal and Thoon with armor 

    and weapons.

  • Rams enter Room #23 the Smithy.  They’ve been in the room before, 

    but entered from a different door last time.

  • Room #19 contains an Orrery that isn’t currently functioning.  

    Gunda stumbles onto the secret door to Room #20 and finds the 

    Thulian Power Cell for the Orrery.  The Power Cell is packaged in a box 

    that has a warning label on it.  Red Sigrun is asked to install the 

    Power Cell and takes damage from the contact.

  • The Thulian Power Cell activates the Orrery.  Upon activation, Rams 

    receive the Blessings of Asana, +1 to Initiative and +1 to AC for the 

    next 24 hours (Asana is one of the nearly forgotten deities that have 

    statues in Dwimmermount.) 

  • Orc Leader killed = 10 XP

  • 7 Orcs killed = 70 XP

  • 3000 CP = 30 XP

  • Hematite 10 GP = 10 XP

  • Sardonyx 75 GP = 75 XP

  • Alexandrite 500 GP = 500 XP

  • Topaz 750 GP = 750 XP

  • Amethyst 750 GP = 750 XP

  • 3 Potions of Gaseous Form

  • Total XP = 2195 XP

  • Tim and Fecus each receive 731 XP

  • Kruluzax and Sasha each receive 365 XP


 9/10/24 Perchance prompt for the Orrery orrery of the solar system in a glass sphere with strange symbols on the surface, in a dark dungeon room

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