Monday, January 27, 2025

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #158

Festival of the Blazing Sun


Session 158- A Return to Barovia Part 9


  • Rams arrive at Vallaki Town Square for the Festival of the Blazing Sun.  

    They are escorted to a raised viewing platform.

  • The Burgomaster’s Procession enters Vallaki Town Square.  The 

    Burgomaster’s wife Lydia Petrovna Vallakovich joins Rams on the 


  • Burgomaster Vallakovich begins lighting the Wicker Sun effigies on 

    the western edge of  the town square.

  • Due to persistent rain, the Burgomaster’s torch goes out.  One of the 

    present Town Guards begins laughing uncontrollably at the 


  • The Burgomaster orders 2 other Town Guards to arrest the laughing 

    guard and put him in the stocks.

  • The Burgomaster goes back to lighting the Blazing Suns.

  • Tim is attacked by Clavdia with a Ray of Sickness.  He fails his Save 

    and takes significant damage.

  • Izek and Clavdia win initiative.

  • Clavdia casts Invisibility and disappears.  Izek hurls fire at Gugula.

  • Fecus puts Gugula out; Shelby uses Command on Izek and he rips 

    his testicles off.  Tim casts MM on Clavdia and kills her.

  • Izek stems the blood flow in his groin region with an Ireena doll he 

    pulls out of his armor.

  • 30 Commoners begin to rush the platform that Rams are standing on.  

    A conspiracy/unkindness of ravens swarms down on the Commoners 

    pushing them back.  2 ravens drop healing potions on Rams’ platform; 

    Tim and Gugula drink the potions.

  • Gugula attacks Izek with the Spider Pike.  A 1 is rolled and a Dex 

    check fails, so the Spider Pike shatters on Izek’s monstrous arm.

  • Tim casts MM on Izek and kills him.

  • Rams attend a party at the Blue Water Inn to celebrate the defeat of 

    Izek and the Barovian Witch Clavdia Cantemir.

  • Rams talk to the patrons of the Blue Water to get a feel for whether 

    they think the Burgomaster’s son, Victor, was in any way a conspirator 

    with Izek.  The rumors are inconclusive, but Rams are still suspicious 

    of Victor.

  • Heal, set watches, and sleep.

  • The next morning they find a bundle of clothes on their stairway to the 

    Inn’s ground floor.  The clothes have a few black feathers stuck to the 

    inside of the garments.

  • That morning they receive a letter from Lady Wachter saying that 

    Stella has recovered from her shock and madness.  She has left the 

    Wachter household and taken up residence at St Andral’s.

  • Rams visit Stella at St Andral’s.  She is helping in the kitchen there 

    baking bread.  Tim casts ESP on her to learn more of her time as 

    Victor’s wife.

  • 6000 CP = 60 XP

  • 6000 EP = 3000 XP

  • 200 PP = 2000 XP

  • 16 Potions of Human Control

  • Spellbook of Clavdia Cantemir

  • Izek Strazni killed = 1800 XP

  • Clavdia Cantemir killed = 100 XP

  • Total XP = 6960

  • Tim and Fecus each receive 2319 XP

  • Gugula and Shelby each receive 1160 XP



    1/21/25 Perchance Prompt wicker effigies of the Sun in a bleak 

    town square getting lit by a downtrodden nobleman, 

    horror concept art 

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