Saturday, August 25, 2018

#RPGaDay2018 Day Twenty Five

Day 25 Question:  Name a game that had an impact on you in the last year.


Day 25 2017 Question:  What is the best way to thank your GM?

Nine weeks ago I probably would have said "A bag of weed," lol.  I'm taking an extended break from smoking, so the "DM RRRRiiiipppppsssss" is not a ritual I'm participating in for an indefinite period.

How else could a player show me gratitude, then?  A simple thank you is enough.  I also like hearing about what a player liked specifically in the game.  Did I give them a good scare, run an exciting combat, play an NPC well, or give them a challenging and fun puzzle to solve?  That kind of feedback helps me when I prepare the next game.

I like being given snacks and beverages that are tasty and refreshing.  I've always been hydration obsessed, so if someone is making sure I have plenty of water or tea while I DM, that's considerate.

Lastly, I got to step out from behind the DM screen (figuratively, I haven't actually used a screen in several years) last fall.  One of my players jumped into the hot seat and started running games for the first time.  It was fun to be a player again!

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