Thursday, May 30, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #129


Session 129-  Rams Explore With Astral Reavers Part 7


  • Room #20 contains 5 Ranine that Rams kill 4, put 5th to Sleep, 

    then Gugula later kills 5th.

  • Room #21, fight Groak! Rams kill him.

  • Rams go to Room #22 and start Teleporting around the level.

  • Yaroj, Gigurg, Gugula, and Sigrun Teleport to Room #22.

  • Yaroj, Gugula, and Tentacle Teleport to Room #27.

  • Sasha and Fecus Teleport to Room #29.

  • Ornie, Yuri, Sigrun, and Gunda Teleport to Room #33.

  • Ferika, Tim, Gigurg, and Gerben Teleport to Room #36.

  • Kruluzax and Shelby Teleport to Room #48.

  • Amid all the Teleporting the Astral Reavers hold back just outside of 

    Room #22.  Rams have many small group encounters with Ranine 

    and other creatures.

  • 14 Ranine killed = 406 XP

  • 2 Ranine Cultists killed = 100 XP

  • Groak killed = 75 XP

  • Gray Ooze killed = 80 XP

  • 8 Gems = 1935 GP = 1935 XP

    • Turquoise 25 GP

    • Bloodstone 50 GP

    • Rock Crystal 50 GP

    • Peridot 500 GP

    • Rhodochrosite 10 GP

    • Sardonyx 50 GP

    • Tourmaline 250 GP

    • Oriental Amethyst 1000 GP

  • Axe 1d10+2

  • Ring of X-Ray Vision

  • Oil of Etherealness

  • Philter of Love

  • 3 Jewelry = 70 GP = 70 XP

    • Small Gold Bracelet 30 GP

    • Embroidered Silk Handkerchief 20 GP

    • Gold Locket w/ Painted Portrait 20 GP

  • Invisibility Potion

  • Potion of Healing

  • 1000 GP = 1000 XP

  • Flying Carpet

  • Ring of Invisibility

  • Scroll

    • Permanency

    • Telekinesis

    • Faerie Fire

    • Wall of Iron

  • Total XP = 3666 XP

  • Tim and Fecus each receive 1222 XP

  • Ferika Kruluzax each receive 611 XP

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