Monday, September 23, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #144

Geoph Getting Sloshed At The Rockrat


Session 144- Geoph and Ewald in Space Part 1


  • On the “Squished Fox” Gadath’s team moves towards ship stations 

    to prepare for take-off out of Dwimmermount’s hangar.

  • Gadath, standing in front of Jeler, Geoph, and Ewald, says to Jeler 

    in the Gith language “Which one do you trust the least?” as he 

    gestures to Geoph and Ewald.

  • Jeler responds to Gadath by first telling him that Geoph and Ewald 

    understand the Gith language.  Gadath is infuriated to learn that info.  

    Jeler then indicates that she trusts Geoph the least.  He assigns Ewald 

    to shadow a Gith crew member on the bridge; he keeps Geoph by 

    his side for the first shift of the trip.

  • Gadath assigns Geoph and Ewald new bunks in the brig, but doesn’t 

    lock them in while they sleep.  The Gith crew members are somewhat 

    hostile (bad reaction roll)  towards them and don’t want to share the 

    bunk room with Geoph and Ewald.

  • Gadath questions Jeler regarding Geoph and Ewald’s training and 

    competency and is surprised to learn they got through most of the 

    training modules already.  He gives them a work schedule that keeps 

    them apart for the majority of the first trip.

  • Jeler informs Geoph and Ewald that the “Squished Fox” is enroute to a 

    Gith shipyard in the Asteroid Belt for upgrades (“Squished Fox” can’t 

    match the speed of the “Squished Dragon”).   H’Raon and his team are 

    on the “Squished Dragon” and leaving the solar system to report to his 

    superior officer in the fleet regarding the Mind Flayer incursion.  Both 

    ships are on high alert.

  • Jeler confides in Ewald that she had a prior romance with Gadath when 

    both worked in the salvage fleet.  When Gadath was promoted to 

    H’Raon’s ship he recommended Jeler for the crew, hoping to rekindle 

    the romance, but Jeler isn’t interested anymore.  Ewald feels the need 

    to share a personal detail and reveals that he slept with a stuffed animal 

    until his teenage years.  Jeler is confused and thinks that stuffed animal 

    means taxidermied animal and it takes a while to bridge the cultural 

    differences.  Jeler mentions that Gadath enjoys gambling and will likely 

    relax after he’s had shore leave at the shipyard.  Ewald takes note of this 

    and carves a set of dice and starts strategically fiddling with them when 

    Gadath is nearby.

  • Last day before docking, ship is running low on oxygen supply and crew 

    has to go into low respiration protocol.

  • At the shipyard, the “Squished Fox” has to dock in the quarantine area 

    until the ship and crew can be determined to be free of Mind Flayer 


  • Once the ship is out of quarantine, a dock crew begins working with the 

    ship’s crew on upgrades.

  • As upgrades are wrapping up, the ship’s crew begins to take shore leave.

  • Gadath asks Ewald if he would like to go play cards with him at the casino.  

    Gadath had noticed Ewald’s fascination with rolling dice and thought he 

    might enjoy other games of chance.  Ewald accompanies Gadath and 

    wins the last hand of cards, doubling his 100 GP bet.

  • B’Nelruth, a female crew member, tells Geoph he’ll be accompanying her 

    for shore leave at The Rockrat, a grimy joint in the bowels of the asteroid 

    complex.  Geoph, as usual,  is excited to sample new mind-altering 

    substances.  Arriving at The Rockrat after winding through gradually darker, 

    narrower, grimier corridors, the pair reach their destination, a wide spot at 

    the end of a narrow corridor.  A few mismatched tables are full of patrons; 

    B’Nelruth winds her way through the crowd with Geoph following her.  The 

    bartender, a female wererat, is the only non-Gith Geoph has seen 

    throughout the shipyard facilities.  She recognizes B’Nelruth and greets 

    her warmly; B’Nelruth introduces Geoph as a new crew member to Maya 

    the wererat proprietor of The Rockrat.  Maya makes remarks to the effect 

    that she thought Gith didn’t allow other races aboard their ships as crew.  

    B’Nelruth and Geoph both comment that it’s a long story.  Maya pours the 

    two of them drinks and Geoph shoots it and finds out it was extremely 

    strong, fails a Constitution roll and is immediately sloshed.  B’Nelruth 

    slowly sips hers and asks Maya if she can order Deep Fried Spiders to 

    snack on.  Maya puts the order in and it arrives via a delivery robot.  

    Geoph orders another drink and shoots it, too.  He has some of the 

    Deep Fried Spiders, and manages to keep them down.  B’Nelruth has 

    to hold his hand walking back to the ship due to his inebriation.

  • The next morning, Jeler informs Geoph and Ewald that Gadath has 

    decided to investigate another portion of the asteroid belt that is rumored 

    to be the site of a devastating ship battle between Thri-kreen and 

    Lunar Eld.

  • On the way, they stop for some of the crew to do a space walk to collect 

    gems.  Ewald is a part of the space walk, but Geoph is excluded because 

    the ship doesn’t have a suit to fit his small stature.

  • The “Squished Fox” proceeds to the site of the ship battle and its nearest 


  • Session ends as the Enormous Dead Spider Corpse with a Glowing Skull 

    is spotted on the asteroid.

  • Carousing XP = 400 XP

  • 2 Pieces of Amber Encasing Insects = 1000 GP = 1000 XP

  • Total XP = 1400 XP

  • Geoph and Ewald each receive 700 XP

9/16/24 Perchance Prompt for Geoph at The Rockrat a gnome without pants is sitting at a ramshackle bar in an asteroid shipyard.  the bartender is a wererat.  a robot delivers deep fried spider snacks, sci-fi concept art

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