Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Ctyri Ctvrt Chronicles

Ctyri Ctvrt Before Rams Defeat Smerc

 In November of 2022 the Player of The Mighty Tim in the Ox->Tiger->Rabbit->Dragon Campaign asked me to run a one on one LotFP game with his hireling character in Ctyri Ctvrt, Danika.  The main party, Rams, left her in charge of Ctyri Ctvrt after they had defeated the Beet God, Smerc.  Danika's custom class as an Alchemist (link for rules we're using) has been a great driver for adventure to go searching for obscure ingredients to fuel her elixirs and experiments.  Whenever possible she ships potions and devices to her employers, Rams.  As of writing this little introduction, we're over 20 sessions into this side campaign and Danika is investigating some stopped trade issues in a small village east of Marlinko.  I've linked most of the rules, supplements, and adventures with the exception of WotC's products.  As of writing this post, we're in the time of D&D releasing their 2024 Rules.  I wasn't sure how long the 5th edition books would be available or how long links to the books would be functional.  The Names of the Dead, and Supplements and Adventures headings on this post will be updated as needed.

     Lamentations of the Flame Princess

        Ctyri Ctvrt Chronicles


PC Notes

  • Danika (played by name redacted)

    • Alchemist and worshipper of Habeka the 

      Celestial Lady of the Starry Void Lodge. Originally

      hired by Tim to adventure with Rams until they 

      needed an agent in Ctyri Ctvrt.  She is 

      now the mayor and these are the adventures of 

      her and her team.

Important NPCs

  • Freiherr Vuk

  • Ludka

  • Farka

  • Bedrich the Willing

  • Petya

  • Donar

  • Radko the Ruffler

  • Maryanka Knout-Cutter

  • Gwendolyn

  • Randolph

  • Alrauna

  • Farmer Baldwin

  • Gary Falcon

  • Hurloj

  • Shoestring

  • Captain Sharp

  • Franticek the Mage

  • Lady Szara

  • Mrtvolo

  • Glamdalf

  • Dina of Orange Institute

  • Hurley

  • Irenka

  • Ranka Lindahl

  • Alva and Sophelia

  • Sir Tancred

  • Zoltan the Vodnik

  • Augustus the Gnome

  • Medved

  • Damselfly Dawndancer

  • Peijing

  • Gared the Mayor of Stary Bob

Names of the Dead (PCs, hirelings, pets)

  • Alva

  • Sophelia

Supplements and adventures used

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