Monday, September 16, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #143


Session 143- Rescuing More Dwarves; Blessings of Asana


  • Rams take the quickest route through Level 1 to the staircase in 

    Room #45 without any encounters.

  • They make their way down to Level 2A Room #1.

  • In Room #2 Fecus, Tim, and Gugula pick up Potions of Gaseous Form.  

    Sigrun gets a jar of red liquid that has no effect.

  • Rams encounter 8 Orcs in Room #21.  They quickly kill the Orcs 

    and rescue the Dwarves in Room #22 that the Orcs had captured 

    and tortured.  The Dwarves are part of Balfar’s party.  Their names 

    are Glandal and Thoon.  They have a little Dwarf greeting moment 

    with Yuri.  They ask to join Rams until they can be escorted out of 

    Dwimmermount.  Rams re-equip Glandal and Thoon with armor 

    and weapons.

  • Rams enter Room #23 the Smithy.  They’ve been in the room before, 

    but entered from a different door last time.

  • Room #19 contains an Orrery that isn’t currently functioning.  

    Gunda stumbles onto the secret door to Room #20 and finds the 

    Thulian Power Cell for the Orrery.  The Power Cell is packaged in a box 

    that has a warning label on it.  Red Sigrun is asked to install the 

    Power Cell and takes damage from the contact.

  • The Thulian Power Cell activates the Orrery.  Upon activation, Rams 

    receive the Blessings of Asana, +1 to Initiative and +1 to AC for the 

    next 24 hours (Asana is one of the nearly forgotten deities that have 

    statues in Dwimmermount.) 

  • Orc Leader killed = 10 XP

  • 7 Orcs killed = 70 XP

  • 3000 CP = 30 XP

  • Hematite 10 GP = 10 XP

  • Sardonyx 75 GP = 75 XP

  • Alexandrite 500 GP = 500 XP

  • Topaz 750 GP = 750 XP

  • Amethyst 750 GP = 750 XP

  • 3 Potions of Gaseous Form

  • Total XP = 2195 XP

  • Tim and Fecus each receive 731 XP

  • Kruluzax and Sasha each receive 365 XP


 9/10/24 Perchance prompt for the Orrery orrery of the solar system in a glass sphere with strange symbols on the surface, in a dark dungeon room

Friday, September 13, 2024

Ctyri Ctvrt Chronicles Session #1

Danika in the Creepy Wood



Zora Warbear

Session 1- Surveying Ctyri Ctvrt Part 1


  • Danika assesses population, inventory, and other resources.

  • Danika meets Zora Warbear and makes her her personal security.

  • They go hunt Debelinko, Ritek’s prize pig, in the Creepy Wood 

    where they overhear turtles talking.

  • Danika assigns a family to buy pigs and sell produce at the market 

    in Bystrica.

  • 41 Peasants have survived.

  • Freiherr Vuk the weredog has been helped back to his shack from 

    the woods by Ludka and Farka’s children.  He asks Danika to 

    investigate his stolen valuables.  She can tell he is addicted to 

    Hruz and pressures him to introduce her to his contact if she helps 

    find his items.

  • Location XP = 150 XP

  • Debelinko killed = 135 XP

  • Total killed = 285 XP

9/10/24 Perchance Prompt for Danika in the Creepy Wood A dark haired female alchemist in armor hunts a huge demonic pig in a creepy wood.

Perchance Prompt for Debelinko, Ritek's prize pig Large demonic pig in a creepy wood

Sorry I didn't copy the Perchance Prompt when Zora Warbear's image was created.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Ctyri Ctvrt Chronicles

Ctyri Ctvrt Before Rams Defeat Smerc

 In November of 2022 the Player of The Mighty Tim in the Ox->Tiger->Rabbit->Dragon Campaign asked me to run a one on one LotFP game with his hireling character in Ctyri Ctvrt, Danika.  The main party, Rams, left her in charge of Ctyri Ctvrt after they had defeated the Beet God, Smerc.  Danika's custom class as an Alchemist (link for rules we're using) has been a great driver for adventure to go searching for obscure ingredients to fuel her elixirs and experiments.  Whenever possible she ships potions and devices to her employers, Rams.  As of writing this little introduction, we're over 20 sessions into this side campaign and Danika is investigating some stopped trade issues in a small village east of Marlinko.  I've linked most of the rules, supplements, and adventures with the exception of WotC's products.  As of writing this post, we're in the time of D&D releasing their 2024 Rules.  I wasn't sure how long the 5th edition books would be available or how long links to the books would be functional.  The Names of the Dead, and Supplements and Adventures headings on this post will be updated as needed.

     Lamentations of the Flame Princess

        Ctyri Ctvrt Chronicles


PC Notes

  • Danika (played by name redacted)

    • Alchemist and worshipper of Habeka the 

      Celestial Lady of the Starry Void Lodge. Originally

      hired by Tim to adventure with Rams until they 

      needed an agent in Ctyri Ctvrt.  She is 

      now the mayor and these are the adventures of 

      her and her team.

Important NPCs

  • Freiherr Vuk

  • Ludka

  • Farka

  • Bedrich the Willing

  • Petya

  • Donar

  • Radko the Ruffler

  • Maryanka Knout-Cutter

  • Gwendolyn

  • Randolph

  • Alrauna

  • Farmer Baldwin

  • Gary Falcon

  • Hurloj

  • Shoestring

  • Captain Sharp

  • Franticek the Mage

  • Lady Szara

  • Mrtvolo

  • Glamdalf

  • Dina of Orange Institute

  • Hurley

  • Irenka

  • Ranka Lindahl

  • Alva and Sophelia

  • Sir Tancred

  • Zoltan the Vodnik

  • Augustus the Gnome

  • Medved

  • Damselfly Dawndancer

  • Peijing

  • Gared the Mayor of Stary Bob

Names of the Dead (PCs, hirelings, pets)

  • Alva

  • Sophelia

Supplements and adventures used

Monday, September 9, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #142

Rukruk the Hobgoblin King


Session 142- An Alliance With Rukruk the Hobgoblin King


  • Rams are on Lvl 2B in Room #39, a room with frescoes depicting 

    agricultural and fertility scenes.  Tim uses Knock to open the 

    magically locked door to the east.

  • Room #40 contains frescoes showing scenes of heroism.  Tim 

    uses Knock to open the magically locked door to the east.

  • Room #41 contains frescoes of funerary scenes.  An urn on a 

    bier contains 2 Pastilles of Life.  Gunda uses the Rod of Opening 

    to open the magically locked door to the east.

  • Room #42 contains frescoes of healing and music.  Gunda uses the 

    Rod of Opening to open the magically locked door to the east.

  • Room #44 contains frescoes of good luck and fortunate happenstance.  

    The door to the east is unlocked and Rams take that route.

  • Room #45 appears to be some kind of redoubt stocked with barrels of 

    oil and several weapons racks.

  • Rams enter Room #34, the throne room of Rukruk the Hobgoblin king.  

    The Hobgoblins awoke from the stasis tubes shortly after 

    Dwimmermount’s magical barrier was dropped.  They were placed 

    as guardians for the dungeon from the time of the Thulians who placed 

    them in stasis.  Rams say they are the descendents of Thulians and 

    Tim uses Suggest on Rukruk to aid in that deception.  Rukruk buys the 

    lie seeing that Rams are equipped with some Thulian weapons and 

    artifacts.  He offers 2 Hobs (Gorp and Lak) to accompany Rams to the 

    next Level down.  He gives them a quick little tour of some rooms not 

    explored yet by Rams.  #33, #36, and #35.

  • Rukruk informs Rams of the split nature of Level 2… 2A cannot be 

    directly accessed from 2B.

  • Rams leave Level 2B and go back up to Level 1.

  • Session ends on Level 1 Room #15.



    9/5/24 Perchance prompt for Rukruk the Hobgoblin King is

     Hobgoblin king