Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #140

Fecus is giving out free hugs today.


Session 140- Geoph and Ewald Choose Astral Space; 

Rams Kill A Mindflayer


  • Tim and Fecus have had some time to observe the Astral Reavers, 

    and Fecus notices a difference in the dynamics and mood of the 

    Reavers since reuniting with them after the teleport pads on Lvl 4.  

    The tension is high, especially between H’Raon and Idilac.

  • As the Rams are regrouping from fighting the Phycomids, a terrible 

    sound emerges from the Astral Reavers.  It’s a shocking scene as 

    Idilac’s skin peels away and a creature with 4 tentacles emerging from 

    its face (Mind Flayer) steps toward H’Raon menacingly.

  • Fecus’ prior spidey senses allow him to get the drop on the Mind Flayer.  

    He activates his crazy Sovereign Fire powers of Searing Touch and 

    Form of Fire and flies forward to give the former Idilac a toasty hug.

  • Other notable attacks are Gugula rolling 29 DMG with the Spider Pike 

    and Shelby delivers the killshot with her Mace of Terror.

  • Cutting to Ewald and Geoph, they ask Jeler if they can be willing 

    crew members on the “Squished Fox”.  Surprised, she agrees and 

    asks them to follow her to the command deck to await the 

    Salvage Team.

  • Ewald asks if he can do a quick walk through of the ship and Jeler 

    allows him.  Ewald slips out of the ship and stashes the Mind Flayer 

    broken device and a coded message that conveys that they are 

    leaving with the Reavers willingly, but hope to reunite with Rams.  

    He slips back on the ship as a door to the hangar opens.  He makes 

    it back to the command deck.  The Salvage Crew arrives and Jeler 

    gives over command to Gadath.

  • Cutting back to Rams, as Rams defeat the Mind flayer, H’Raon and 

    his crew teleport out of Dwimmermount.  Fecus steps over to the door 

    to the hangar and uses his x-ray ring to view the “Squished Fox” also 

    flash out.

  • Rams enter the empty hangar and Fecus finds a fungal creature 

    corpse with a funny hat that Sigrun recognizes as one she gifted 

    to Ewald.  Fecus finds the message and item Ewald left for him.

  • Mind Flayer killed = 2900 XP

  • Tim and Fecus each receive = 966 XP

  • Kruluzax and Gugula each receive = 483 XP


    8/19/24 The Perchance prompt for Fecus with his Sovereign Flame 

    powers enabled, heavily armored and masked male fire mage, flying, 

    engulfed in flames, holding a black flame sword, fire everywhere. Fecus

    is a Specialist in Lamentations of the Flame Princess terms, but I thought

    I would get more desirable results really emphasizing fire in the prompt




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