Friday, July 12, 2024

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon Campaign Session #136

Cloning Tubes from my 1st day playing with Perchance


Session 136-  “We’ll Call Him Red Sigrun”


  • An encounter has finally been rolled for Geoph, Ewald, and Jeler.  

    It will occur at the beginning of Session #137!

  • Room #62 Alteration Chamber- Rams finish experimenting with the 

    remaining 5 buttons. Results:

    • Sasha #4 = Healed 1d10.

    • Fecus #5 = No effect.

    • Gugula #7 = Put to Sleep 2 rounds.

    • Gigurg #9 = Infravision.  Nearly all the rest of the party use the 

      bed to receive this alteration.

    • Gunda #10 = Clothes turned to goo.

  • When Rams have had their fun with the Alteration Bed, they choose to 

    rest in Room #62.  No encounters occur.

  • Room #57 Ruined Library.  Scrolls discovered.

  • Room #61 Cloning Chamber.  Fecus asks Sigrun to be the test subject, 

    and after some discussion, Sigrun agrees.

  • Tim operates the cloning chamber controls and delivers 2 successes 

    and 1 failure.

  • The resulting clone is a Red Eld version of the newly bald and male 

    Sigrun.  Fecus calls him Red Sigrun of the “Tube Magic”.

  • Room #40 contains another Turms-headed goddess statue.

  • Scroll of:

    • Knock

    • Levitate

    • Mirror Image

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