Monday, March 24, 2025

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon --->Snake Campaign Session #166

Oh fuck, Wintersplinter!

Session 166- A Return to Barovia Part 16


  • The new party consists of :

    • Anna Krezkova

    • Her 2 guards, Oleg and Vasha Rilsky

    • Drasha Vadu

    • Seraz Vadu

    • Szoldar

    • Yevgeni

    • Tim

    • Fecus

    • Shelby

    • Gugula

    • Victor

  • Anna shares the following rumors about the winery:

    • Strahd bequeathed the winery and vineyard to the 

      ancient Krezkov ancestors.

    • Later a marriage between the Krezkovs and the 

      Martikovs put the land in the Martikov line.

    • At the inception of the vineyard, 3 Gems were put 

      in the land by a wizard.

    • 10 years ago a gem was stolen.  Hence the 

      Champagne is no longer produced.

  • They arrive to find the vineyards and winery a shambles.

  • Wintersplinter the Tree Blight attacks.  He totally brutalizes 

    Tim and Anna, ruining their armor.

  • They chip away at him and the waves of blights and the druid.

  • Seraz casts Faerie Fire, Tim casts Army of One on Gugula.

  • Victor casts spells that dealt the killing blows to Wintersplinter 

    and the Druid.

  • Wintersplinter killed = 2900 XP

  • Druid #1 killed = 450 XP

  • 2 Twig Blights killed = 50 XP

  • 4 Needle Blights killed = 200 XP

  • Total XP = 3600

  • Tim and Fecus each receive 1200 XP

  • Gugula and Shelby each receive 600 XP



    2/14/25 Perchance Prompt Wintersplinter the Tree Blight 

    (a tree blight is a giant tree monster) attacks. He totally 

    brutalizes Tim the adventurer, ruining his chain mail armor., 

    horror concept art 

Friday, March 21, 2025

Star Notch Stories Session #1

Dode's Barn Catches Fire from Fireflies




Session 1- Moon Eyes and Fire Flies

11/23 or 12/23

  • Boy sends Moonshine to the following locations:

    +The Moody Mermaid

    +Ctyri Ctvrt

    +The Golden Barge 

  • Hank’s Cousin Dode over by Standing Stone Hollow gets a 

    moonshine delivery from Boy and Co.

  • A swarm of fire flies nearly burns Dode’s house and barn down, 

    but Boy and Co put the fire out with well water bucket brigade.

  • Boy investigates what could be behind the swarm of fire flies 

    which leads him to an ancient Hsaalian Mine.  The entrance 

    of the mine is cleared and shows small humanoid footprints 

    coming and going.

  • He first fights a badger, then Sharda the Black Bear.

  • He liberates Ciba (a human woman with black hair, bronze skin, 

    and dark brown eyes) from her stasis chamber.  He brings her 

    along, equipping her with an extra weapon of his.

  • They fight some Lightning Bats.

  • They fight some Ancient Zombies and Dode is turned into one.

  • Boy finds the Moon Eyed Ones and parlays with them to find an 

    accommodation for Dode and his farm which includes putting 

    certain stone configurations sacred to the Moon Eyes back into place.

  • Boy donates 10 GP to the Sovereign Temple in Star Notch to have 

    Dode returned to regular life.

  • Boy and Ciba return to Hendershot Farm

  • Swarm of Fire Flies killed = 25 XP

  • Badger killed = 25 XP

  • Sharda the Black Bear killed = 50 XP

  • 4 Lightning Bats killed = 40 XP

  • 3 Ancient Zombies killed = 150 XP

  • Total XP for Boy 290 XP



    Perchance Prompt 2/27/25 Swarm of fireflies causing a barn to light 

    on fire

Monday, March 17, 2025

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon --->Snake Campaign Session #165


Session 165- A Return to Barovia Part 15


  • They meet Anna Krezkova at breakfast and ask if she would like 

    to join them to get the winery straightened out.  She agrees, but 

    has the business of purchasing a wedding gown to attend to while 

    Tim and Fecus go see who else they can hire.

  • They meet Szoldar and Yevgeni at the Vallaki Temp Service to 

    choose to hire the Vistani brother and sister Seraz (MU3) and 

    Drasha (SPC 5) Vadu.

  • Scrolls are made.

    • Tim = Magic Missile

    • Shelby = Giant Strength

    • Victor = Ice Storm

  • Dinner with Anna back at the Blue Water that evening where they 

    learn a little of Krezk and her mission to ship a wedding dress 

    back to her husband to appease the Abbot of St Markovia.

  • Gugula sits the whole watch, it’s uneventful.



    2/14/25 Venice AI Prompt A delicate, ivory-colored, gothic-style 

    wedding dress with intricate lace details and a flowing, tattered 

    train is draped elegantly on a vintage, ornate dress form standing 

    in the center of a dimly lit, high-ceilinged, Victorian-era inspired 

    boutique filled with soft, golden lighting and the sweet scent of 

    old roses. 

Friday, March 14, 2025

Star Notch Stories

Hendershot Farm Near Star Notch



    The player of Fecus and I have had the occasion to play a few one on one sessions with his hireling character Boy.  IIRC this particular hireling is a very old man and surprisingly used to hit above his weight class (Lvl 2) in team Rams on a regular basis.   He was left behind in the Shudder Mountains to manage the Hendershot Farm and Moonshine Still when Rams continued on towards Dresden and further west and south (session #57).  Tim and Fecus have been back to check on him and he's keepin' it real so far.  He's been joined more recently by some of Dwimmermount's former Wererats to help on the farm and take care of problems in the Shudder Mountains region around Star Notch.  I've linked most of the rules, supplements, and adventures with the exception of WotC's products.  As of writing this post, we're in the time of D&D releasing their 2024 Rules.  I wasn't sure how long the 2014 5th edition books would be available or how long links to the books would be functional.  The Names of the Dead, and Supplements and Adventures headings on this post will be updated as needed.

     Lamentations of the Flame Princess

        Star Notch Side Campaign


PC Notes

  • Boy (played by name redacted)

    • Fighter and farm manager at the Hendershot Farm 

      near Star Notch in the Shudder Mountains.

Important NPCs

  • Hank and Lottie Hendershot

  • Cousin Dode

  • Ciba

  • Krishka

  • Kevin

  • Anders

  • Beavis

  • Tarp

  • Chase Mashburn

  • Trill and Nollie Mashburn

  • Braar Obray

  • Adelaide, Cleric of the Sovereign

Names of the Dead (PCs, hirelings, pets)

  • +=+=

Supplements and adventures used

Monday, March 10, 2025

Ox ---> Tiger --->Rabbit --->Dragon --->Snake Campaign Session #164

Skeletal Rider


Session 164- A Return to Barovia Part 14


  • Shelby wakes up Fecus, Gugula, and Victor and they all watch the 

    Skeletal Rider pass the Blue Water Inn heading north towards the 

    Zarovich Gate.

  • Tim flying overhead as a raven follows the Skeletal Rider to the shore 

    of Lake Zarovich before heading back and changing back to his 

    original form.

  • Tim gives the ravens in the Blue Water Inn Ravenloft some 

    silver pieces to ingratiate himself with them.

  • The last watch, sat by Gugula, is uneventful.



    2/14/25 Venice AI Prompt A skeletal rider sits atop a majestic 

    black horse with glowing red eyes, the moon casting an eerie 

    glow over the desolate landscape as the rider's bony fingers 

    grasp the reins with a fierce determination, its empty sockets 

    gleaming with an otherworldly intensity. The horse's mane 

    and tail flow like dark silk in the wind as it gallops across the 

    barren terrain, kicking up clouds of dust and debris in its wake. 

    The skeletal rider wears a tattered black cloak that billows 

    behind it like a dark cloud, its presence seeming to draw the 

    very life force out of the air.